Landscape with the Fall of Icarus

1: Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, c.1560


A painting (or a copy of the same) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

2: Musée des Beaux Arts, 1938


A poem by WH Auden.

3: Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, 1962

A poem by William Carlos Williams.

4: The Man Who Fell to Earth, 1963


A novel by Walter Tevis.

5: The Man Who Fell to Earth, 1977


A feature film written by Paul Mayersberg and directed by Nicolas Roeg.

6: La Chute d’Icare, 1988


A composition by Brian Ferneyhough.

7: Upon Viewing Bruegel’s “Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus”, 2007

A song by Titus Andronicus.

Previously on { feuilleton }
The Fall of the Magician
Bruegel’s sins
Proverbial details
Babel details
Three stages of Icarus