La Morphine by Victorien du Saussay


Manuel Orazi’s illustrations (above and below) have been travelling the recursive paths of the Tumblr labyrinth recently. I was hoping to find covers for other editions but the third image here (from 1930) is the only one that’s turned up. La Morphine, Vices et passions des morphinomanes by Victorien du Saussay was published in 1906, and is described by Barbara Hodgson as “a stark novel of addiction, failed cures, incest, indecent exposure and adultery” (In the Arms of Morpheus: The Tragic History of Laudanum, Morphine, and Patent Medicines (2001)). Orazi apparently produced 22 interior illustrations but (again) they don’t appear to be available for the moment.



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The book covers archive

Previously on { feuilleton }
Haschisch Hallucinations by HE Gowers
Manuel Orazi’s Salomé
Demon rum leads to heroin
La belle sans nom
German opium smokers, 1900