Samarkande by EA Séguy


Another portfolio of pochoir prints by French artist EA Séguy, Samarkande dates from around 1914 (online sources aren’t certain). The portfolio contained 20 prints of which 10 are shown here; a few more may be seen on this page. Pochoir was a stencil process popular with French artists of this period. It’s often alluded to without explanation so it’s good to find this post by Ashley Jones which not only describes the process but also shows more of Séguy’s work.



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Papillons by EA Séguy


I’d seen a couple of these plates before—BibliOdyssey has a post about Séguy’s insect art—but not the book as a whole. In addition to the butterfly portraits there are also a number of suggestions for textile designs based on butterfly wings. Papillons was published in 1925. Five years later Séguy produced a collection of Art Deco designs, Prismes, which was highlighted a while ago, and which is now also available at the Internet Archive. The Prismes plates tend to abstraction but nonetheless feature some stylised natural elements, butterflies included.



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