Geoffrey Haberman’s brass insects

Blepharopsis mendica nymph. More insect art and some really gorgeous creations. Geoffrey Haberman also makes silver insects but I much prefer the brass ones. From four pages of Flickr photos including an incredible mantis horde. Idolomantis diabolica adult male. Previously on { feuilleton } • Sipho Mabona’s origami insects • Kitchen insects • Elizabeth Goluch’s … Continue reading “Geoffrey Haberman’s brass insects”

Melancholy Lucifers

Satan (1833). I always enjoy it when a search for a piece of information about an artist leads to works you hadn’t come across before. Today it was a quest for the identity of the Satan statue above, created, as it turns out, by French sculptor Jean-Jacques Feuchère (1807–1852). The Louvre site has another view … Continue reading “Melancholy Lucifers”

The White Peacock

The White Peacock (1910). A typical piece of mysterious erotica by Austrian illustrator and pornographer Franz von Bayros (1866–1924). Like all good Decadents, Bayros used peacocks and peacock feathers as decorative motifs in his pictures but this is the first I’ve seen where the peacock itself is the result of amorous attention. If that sounds … Continue reading “The White Peacock”

Le Sacre du Printemps

Backdrop for the League of Composers’ production, Philadelphia, 1930. Something for the vernal equinox. The painting is a stage design by artist, writer and theatre designer Nicholas Roerich (1874–1947) for an American production of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. Roerich designed the costumes and decor for the riotous Paris performance of 1913 and the Roerich Museum … Continue reading “Le Sacre du Printemps”

New things for February

More new work appeared recently although as usual this was something I completed a while ago. Einstein’s Getaway is a short album by Stranger Son of WB who play a kind of over-amped muscular harangue which you might call Post Rock if that wasn’t a very tired term by now. Mr Simon Reyonolds should give … Continue reading “New things for February”