The Haunter of the Dark


The Haunter of the Dark and Other Grotesque Visions
by HP Lovecraft, John Coulthart

Introduction and ‘The Great Old Ones’ by Alan Moore

ISBN-10: 1-902197-23-2
ISBN-13: 978-1-902-19723-4
Published 2006 by Creation Oneiros | 136 pages

Introduction by Alan Moore
The Haunter of the Dark
The Call of Cthulhu
The Dunwich Horror
The Great Old Ones: Evocations by Alan Moore
Lord Horror

The 1999 Oneiros edition redesigned and with new artwork added including a previously unpublished section of Alan Moore’s The Great Old Ones. See sample pages here.

“At its far edge, horror shades into beauty, and it is far beyond that edge that Coulthart takes us, into terrible magnificence.”
Alan Moore in the book’s introduction

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