Erotic flicks


From Homo Sum by Konrad Helbig.

For once, a decent and restrained use of Flash. The books of erotic photography for sale from www.6× can be browsed via simple animations that turn the pages of the book. A gimmick but it makes a change from clicking through another load of gallery thumbnails. Their site is divided into Blue, for pictures of men, and Pink for pictures of women. Some nice desktop downloads as well.

Army Day


Difficult to imagine ads like this one being produced any more, in innocence, at least. These days companies like Dolce & Gabbana are confrontational in a manner that an earlier age would probably regard as outright porn. I’m happy with both examples although the painted quality of the soldiers ad lends itself to a higher degree of fantasy. Another ad in same the series features some rather stereotypical natives standing glumly in the background while the naked guys are frolicing. The South Pacific setting could easily be tweaked in a more interesting direction with the addition of some tikis and a volcano, something like a Genet-styled version of a Mark Ryden painting, perhaps.

Original link via Boing Boing via Sexoteric via Sexornot.

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There’s nothing new about the observation that American superhero comics are often stupidly sexist. The tendency to depict women in superhero comics as little more than super-powered fetish figures increased considerably during the 1990s, so much so that at one time The Comics Journal was making a regular note each issue of recent covers showing women with breasts larger than their heads. This Livejournal page does an amusing job of showing how the comic racks might look if there was at least a degree of equality at work.

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