The recurrent pose 21


And still they come… This variation on the Flandrin pose was recommended by Jonathan at Midian Books, for whom I designed some catalogue covers several years ago. Jonathan’s partner, Victoria Musson, took the (untitled) photo and their site features other examples of her work with a distinctly pagan quality.

Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The gay artists archive
The recurrent pose archive

Phallic bibelots


Does Priapus rule the month of October? Having this lot appear in the same week makes it seems likely. The carved carnelian sealing ring above comes via Silent-Porn-Star.


Then this Vivienne Westwood pendant turned up at Fabulon.


Finally, there’s the discovery of two artists producing phallic glasswork. Paul Thomas created the pendants above while Jamie Burress is responsible for the penis table.


Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The gay artists archive

Previously on { feuilleton }
Phallic worship
The art of ejaculation

The recurrent pose 20


Meditation by Richard Taddei (2003).

Many of Richard Taddei‘s paintings of male figures draw upon Classical and other references so encountering the Flandrin pose in his work isn’t too surprising. I really like the semi-abstract works of which Meditation is an example.

Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The gay artists archive
The recurrent pose archive

Vintage swordplay


A couple of lubricated additions to the burgeoning collection of pulchritudinous swordsmen. I know I’m not the only one who appreciates these pictures given the amount of times some of the posts below are examined. The photos this time were submitted by The Other Andrew and Thom at Fabulon respectively. Thanks, boys!


Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The men with swords archive