Category: {gay}
Boy wonder
Naked hussar
Or should that be hussy? What’s the male equivalent of a hussy anyway? I think we should be told, etc. The beefcake model is George O’Mara and the 19th century military gear makes a change from the usual Greek or Roman props.
Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
• The men with swords archive
Ghosts of a vanished world
Ghosts of a vanished world | San Francisco and Milk.
Bugger Boy
I think we’d guess the content even without the illustration. I love the phallic arch; no doubt if this was a Gothic style it would be Perpendickular (ouch!). From a collection of gay pulp novels at Homobilia. In a similar fashion there’s a page of book covers at Miss Magnolia Thunderpussy’s Flickr collection which I see is now discontinued following copyright warnings from the Yahoo! watchdogs. Bugger Flickr, say I. Finally, let’s not forget the splendid Gay on the Range.
Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
• The book covers archive
Previously on { feuilleton }
• Phallic worship
• Gay book covers