Another instance of the Flandrin pose, this time by
way of Donald Miller‘s photography and artwork.
Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
• The recurrent pose archive
A journal by artist and designer John Coulthart.
Male objects of desire
Another instance of the Flandrin pose, this time by
way of Donald Miller‘s photography and artwork.
Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
• The recurrent pose archive
Camp by James Bidgood or contemporary by David Belisle. And while we’re on the subject, let’s not forget Charlie Kaufman’s opening lines for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind:
“Random thoughts for Valentine’s day, 2004. Today is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap.”
Photography by Glen Mitchell.
Tom Dura by Tom Dura. From The Little Black Book (2006).
February from a calendar series by the
very accomplished Maurice Heerdink.
Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
• The gay artists archive