Photography by Antimo Cimino.
Category: {eye candy}
Male objects of desire
The recurrent pose 19
A Flandrinesque photo from this deviantART user which also happens to be entitled Flandrin, hence the close correspondence to the original.
Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
• The recurrent pose archive
Kim Hanson
Raymond Voinquel
Projet pour le ‘Narcisse’ de Paul Valéry (1940).
Photographs by Raymond Voinquel (1912–1994).
Hommage au Bronzino (1940).
• A gallery site | A Flickr set
Via Fabulon.
Previously on { feuilleton }
• Norman McLaren
• Reflections of Narcissus
• Narcissus
Markus Bollingmo
Photography by Markus Bollingmo.