Sword on the rocks


More unclothed men with swords and another vintage example, shamelessly swiped from Planet Fabulon.

And while we’re on the subject of men, the Kangaroo Court Theatre Company has another new adaptation of The Picture of Dorian Gray (Matthew Bourne’s dance version is still touring) opening this week at the Tabard Theatre, London.

A daring musical adaptation transports Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece into our own celebrity-obsessed, gossip-driven times – complete with shallow pop stars, sex-crazed artists and sleazy journalists. Co-produced with Kangaroo Court Theatre Company, this new adaptation of Dorian Gray updates the story incorporating new technology and an original musical score.

The company’s site has a few more details. The way they’re using the picture below to promote the work I think we can guess the audience they’re going for.


Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The men with swords archive

Previously on { feuilleton }
Matthew Bourne’s Dorian Gray
John Osborne’s Dorian Gray
Dorian Gray revisited
The Picture of Dorian Gray I & II

The recurrent pose 21


And still they come… This variation on the Flandrin pose was recommended by Jonathan at Midian Books, for whom I designed some catalogue covers several years ago. Jonathan’s partner, Victoria Musson, took the (untitled) photo and their site features other examples of her work with a distinctly pagan quality.

Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The gay artists archive
The recurrent pose archive

Vintage swordplay


A couple of lubricated additions to the burgeoning collection of pulchritudinous swordsmen. I know I’m not the only one who appreciates these pictures given the amount of times some of the posts below are examined. The photos this time were submitted by The Other Andrew and Thom at Fabulon respectively. Thanks, boys!


Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The men with swords archive

Naked sword


Matthijs Kool, middeleeuws zwaardvechten.

Yes, the web breeds fetishes you weren’t even aware of once…. I blame Frank Frazetta for my interest in naked men with swords. This photo of Matthijs Kool is one of a series by Ewoud Broeksma who specialises in portraits of athletes and sports people.

Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The men with swords archive