The art of Cai Guo-Qiang


Inopportune: Stage One (2004).
9 cars and sequenced multi-channel tube lights.


Inopportune: Stage Two (2004).

Tigers: papier-mâché, plaster, fibreglass, resin, painted hide.
Arrows: brass, bronze, bamboo, feathers.
Backdrop: Styrofoam, wood, canvas, acrylic paint.

Haunter latest


My book of Lovecraft adaptations and illustrations, The Haunter of the Dark and other Grotesque Visions (Creation Oneiros), is now available for pre-order from a number of outlets, including, and Barnes & Noble.

Publication is officially set for September 15th, 2006.
Sample pages and other news here.

“At its far edge, horror shades into beauty, and it is far beyond
that edge that Coulthart takes us, into terrible magnificence.”
Alan Moore, in the book’s introduction

“A terrific book, haunting and beautiful.
That writer from Providence would have been proud…”
Neil Gaiman

Vintage magazine art II


In the days before colour photography most magazine covers were created by illustrators (as the New Yorker still is), a situation that’s left behind a rich legacy of wonderful artwork often far more stimulating than any of the magazine contents. This site has a great collection of early Vogue covers that show an amazing amount of variety and originality at play. Some of these early issues even break with the understandable stricture for a fashion magazine of having a female figure as the focus.

Looking over this selection, it’s impossible not to compare the rich designs of the 1920s with today’s bland uniformity. Vogue now looks like any other magazine for women, with an overly made-up (often celebrity) face filling the cover and the whole picture crowded with sub-headings and a general clutter of typography. UK Vogue‘s own cover archive pages show the gradual degeneration of a stylish flagship to a condition of cultural muzak over the passage of ninety years.

Previously on { feuilleton }
Vintage magazine art I
View: The Modern Magazine

Russian Utopia


Glass Stonehenge: Monument for the Year 2001 (1986) by D Bush and A Khomyakov.

“The sheet of heavy glass laying on the row of stones is carrying the next row, etc.”

Russian Utopia is a repository of 480 unbuilt architectural projects from the last 300 years of Russian history. I love seeing designs for unrealised architectural schemes and this site has some fascinating examples like the Glass Stonehenge above. A shame all the pictures are so frustratingly small.


Temple-City (1987) by I Galimov.

Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The etching and engraving archive