Joy Street, a film by Suzan Pitt


Joy Street (1995) is an animated short whose title is ironic at first, you have to stay with its opening scenes of grim Expressionism to see how things develop. If you’ve seen Suzan Pitt’s uniquely strange Asparagus then you’ll be primed for the unexpected turns the scenario takes. To say any more would be to spoil things, and for once I’ve avoided my usual habit of posting shots that show moments throughout the film.


Suzan Pitt only made a handful of animations, three of which—Joy Street included—are on 35mm. Joy Street is also the longest at 24 minutes. I always find it admirable when animators are given the opportunity to work with superior resources yet still insist on making something this personal. Despite her small filmography there’s a lot of her work I’ve yet to see. This is a reminder to look for more.

Previously on { feuilleton }
Into the Midnight Underground

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