Weekend links 736


South Polar Map of Jupiter by the Cassini spacecraft, 2000.

• “A ghostly train journey on a forgotten branch line transports a son, Jozef, visiting his dying Father in a remote Galician Sanatorium. Upon arrival Jozef finds the Sanatorium entirely moribund and run by a dubious Doctor Gotard who tells him that his father’s death, the death that has struck him in his country has not yet occurred, and that here they are always late by a certain interval of time of which the length cannot be defined. Jozef will come to realise that the Sanatorium is a floating world halfway between sleep and wakefulness and that time and events cannot be measured in any tangible form.” The Quay Brothers have finished their third feature film, Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass, a combination of live action and animation which is being premiered next month at the Venice film festival. No sign of a trailer as yet but the curious can prime themselves by watching (or rewatching) the Quays’ Street of Crocodiles—their first adaptation of Bruno Schulz—or Hourglass Sanatorium, the first screen adaptation of Schulz’s stories by Wojciech Has.

• “No one is sure when the tremendous whirl—the largest and longest-lived storm in our current solar system, with a diameter wider than planet Earth and wind speeds of more than 260 miles per hour—began. Or why it’s red. Or even who first observed it…” Katherine Harmon Courage on Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.

• New music: Bórdice by Nestor, and Nightfall by Trentemøller, the latter with a video swiping shots from Maya Deren’s Meshes of the Afternoon. Nice song but musicians really need to stop plundering independent film-makers when they want some visual embellishment.

• At The Daily Heller: Steven Heller talks to Drew Friedman about Friedman’s new book of caricatures, Schtick Figures.

• Mixes of the week: A mix for The Wire by Miaux, and Isolatedmix 127 by David Douglas & Applescal.

• DJ Food’s latest psychedelic trawl is a collection of book covers, puzzles, etc, designed by Peter Max.

• At Unquiet Things: Vic Prezio’s Gothic book covers.

• At Dennis Cooper’s: Morgan Fisher Day.

Jupiter (1990) by NASA Voyager Space Sounds | Jupiter! (Feed Your Head Mix) (1994) by System 7 | Jupiter Collision (2002) by Redshift

3 thoughts on “Weekend links 736”

  1. New Quay Brothers feature? Ooh, that’s exciting! Huge fan of their first, a little less so of their second (what a shame Jankowski fell out with them), but your précis of this new one sounds wonderful.

    Thought you might have mentioned the also unexpected announcement of Mieville’s new book with Keanu Reeves, but maybe you’re either not a fan, or you did already and I missed it.

  2. Hi Colin. The précis was a lazy swipe from the film festival page but it’s really just a description of the general outline of the original Schulz stories. The film has been in production for some time, I did link to an extract that turned up a while back which is probably still on YT. I like their second feature but I think you get more out of it if you know that it was originally intended to be an adaptation of The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy-Casares. They couldn’t secure the rights, however, so they rewrote it as an original piece. The new film by comparison is much more their home territory, as much as they have one.

    I wish China the best with his celebrity collaboration but I can’t say I’m desperate to read it. I don’t really keep up with new fiction of any kind–I still haven’t read the last two Cormac McCarthy books–so I’d feel fraudulent linking to something I might not bother with myself.

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