A crowd-funding goal has been announced for The Dreamlands, a feature film set in the worlds of HP Lovecraft’s Dream Cycle which, if it goes ahead, will be director Huan Vu’s second Lovecraftian feature. His first, Die Farbe (2010), is an excellent adaptation of The Colour Out of Space which impressed me with its atmosphere and its serious attitude towards the material, qualities that you can’t always rely on where horror cinema is concerned.
The Dreamlands will of necessity be more fantastical and so warrants a larger budget, hence the funding bid. I was asked to contribute to the production side of this late last year but prior commitments intervened, not least all the work I was doing on Lovecraft’s Monsters. I did find time to design the star symbol that’s being used to promote the film, however, and there’s talk at the moment of my working on some of the gifts for the funders in the higher brackets. More about that later. Watch the teasers, they’re very good.
Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
• The Lovecraft archive
Not really relevant to this post, but I just found this on ebay and all comments on the Harry Clarke posts are closed.
“This haunting fairy tale by the Irish playwright, novelist and district justice Kenneth Reddin (writing under the psedonym Kenneth Sarr) is illustrated by Maurice McGonigal (1900-79), one of Ireland’s best-known painters.
McGonigal was a cousin of the great Irish book illustrator and stained-glass artist Harry Clarke (1889-1931), in whose glass studio he worked for a time. Clarke’s influence on the Bolle-Trie drawings seems very clear: although McGonigal’s style here is much looser than his cousin’s, the overall vision is remarkably similar, with at least two of the illustrations strongly evoking Clarke’s own work.”
You might also find this of interest: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Christopher-Marlowe-TAMBURLAINE-Art-Deco-LIMITED-1st-1930-Harry-Clarke-OCCULT-/371041261671?pt=Antiquarian_Books_UK&hash=item5663c85867
Thanks, great work in both of those, and two artists I hadn’t come across before. That seems surprising with the Sherriffs book, you’d think work of that quality would be better known. The stylisation reminds me of Beresford Egan. I’ve downloaded those pictures for further research. May make a post about them later.