A couple of updates to the site this month. Firstly there’s another interview with Eroom Nala focussing on life, art and (inevitably) my forthcoming Haunter of the Dark book.
And I’ve finally got round to expanding the line of CafePress products (T-shirts and a larger poster print) for my Kabbalah poster which seems to be my most popular work judging by sales there. This surprises me seeing as it was done on a whim in 2000 after a visit to London. Alan Moore later used it in an issue of Promethea but I don’t know whether the people interested in it are Promethea fans or some of the new breed of Kabbalists.
I’ll be adding more products for other lines, and some new things, as time permits over the next few weeks.
Update: CafePress have decided that my artwork may need “copyright clearance”. So don’t bother trying to buy anything just yet.
Update 2: CafePress tell me that “Transport for London provided us with a notice stating that the use of the London Underground Roundel infringes upon their intellectual property rights”. I presume this means now I’ll have to amend the artwork to remove the offending article. Copyright hell: it’s the wave of the future. Get used to it. See this Boing Boing post for a good example of London Transport’s dead hand.
Update 3: Products reworked with slightly amended artwork although for some reason the page is still showing the old items.
I greatly enjoyed the interview. Good job, John & Eroom.
Thanks. :)
I’ll be adding some graphics and links to the interview which will be slightly different from the one which John links to above.
You can find my version at
And I’ll shortly be amending the interview with some additional questions.
“And I?ll shortly be amending the interview with some additional questions.”
I’ve often wondered about the possibility of an ever-expanding interview. One where the author not only answers new questions, but offers alternative takes (with date stamps, etc.) on previous ones when expedient.
BTW, I’ll be arriving in London in early September… Just in time for the “Haunter” launch!