1: The Metamorphosis of Narcissus (1937) by Salvador Dalí.
2: Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man (1943) by Salvador Dalí.
3: The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: Challenging Constructs of Mind and Reality (1971) by Joseph Chilton Pearce.
4: Karthago (1971) by Karthago.
5: Supernature (1973) by Lyall Watson.
Cover art by Jerry Pinkney.
6: A Cosmic Book (1988) by Itzhak Bentov.
7: The Crack in the Cosmic Egg (1996) by Steven Freeman & Alan Freeman.
8: Cosmic Egg (2009) by Wolfmother.
Cover by Invisible Creature.
9: Krautrock: Cosmic Rock and Its Legacy (2012) edited by Nikos Kotsopoulos.
Morthem Vlade Art’s
“Narcissus Metamorphosis”
is well worth a listen – sorry could not find a youtube but from the “organic not mental” album
Thanks, the Narcissus theme is a favourite of mine.
When I saw the title of this post I immediately thought of the Pearce book, something I read many years ago that had a profound effect on me at the time, though now I wonder why.
Not to forget Moebius’ “The Man who Cracked the Cosmic Egg”.